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Egret Technologies Joins GrowFL Program
Posted 2/15/2011
Egret Technologies is pleased to announce that we have joined the GrowFL Program. The purpose of the Florida Economic Gardening Technical Assistance Pilot Program is to stimulate investment in Florida’s economy by providing technical assistance for expanding businesses in the state.

“GrowFL has recognized our status as a company with tremendous potential here in Florida,” says CEO Dr Liam Pender. “With rapid expansion comes growing pains, and the Florida Legislature created this program to assist companies like ours with additional resources.”

Cultivating growth companies across the state is the mission of the Florida Economic Gardening Institute, funded by the Florida Legislature at the University of Central Florida and involving a host of partners committed to local delivery of statewide services to help second-stage companies achieve their potential. Working with the Edward Lowe Foundation, a nationally recognized entrepreneurship development organization, GrowFL applies lessons learned from the proven art of “economic gardening,” pioneered more than a decade ago in Colorado and now being applied nationwide to help second-stage companies grow.